Holy Angels Catholic Church
Faith Formation: Adults
Our parish offers a variety of faith enrichment opportunities for adults. Additional options are shared in the church bulletin.

bible study
Scripture studies are offered throughout the year; several days and times offered. Through personal study, small-group discussions, and prayer, these studies allow for growth in faith through reflection, prayer, and fellowship.
For more information, contact the parish office.

men's prayer group
All men of the parish are welcome to attend the men’s prayer group. Meetings are informal, reflective, and include a discussion of scripture and a section of the catechism in the context of a contemporary topic.
To learn more, contact John Ferneding at 937- 293-7275.
Advent by candlelight
Advent by Candlelight is a beautiful evening for women to reflect on the season of Advent. Join other adult women for an evening of faith, food, and fellowship.
For more information, contact the parish office.

women's lent retreat
The Women's Lenten Retreat is an opportunity to reflect on His death, resurrection and great love for each of us. Participants walk away refreshed, at peace and ready to "serve the Lord with our life." This retreat is open to parishioners and non-parishioners.
For more information, contact the parish office.

men's advent and lent retreats
On a Saturday morning during Advent and Lent, the men of our parish as they come together to support one another and grow more deeply in faith. These retreats include discussions with reflections, Eucharistic Exposition, and confession.
For more information, contact the parish office.
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