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When Catholics come together to give praise, honor and worship to God, they are engaging in God’s most important work. We invite you to engage in the various ministries of the church.


To learn more about these ministeis and how to volunteeer, email Amy Gray or call her at 937.229.5912


Eucharistic ministers

People who have been confirmed may assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and special liturgies. Volunteers are able to choose which Mass times they wish to serve. Training is held throughout the year. 



Proclaiming the Word of God to the congregation is the task of the lector.  Making the congregation aware of God's presence in His Word allows each person to enter into Scripture in a unique way: as a participant rather than a spectator.  This ministry is open to confirmed parishioners.​


Ushers/Greeters are a very important presence at church. Friendly smiles, directing people to available seats, and helping anyone needing assistance is to be Christ to others. Ushers assist with the collection, distribute bulletins, and straighten the books in the pews following Mass.


altAr servers

The ministry of serving at Mass and other liturgical celebrations is open to all students in the fifth grade and above. Sign-ups and training are held in the fall of each year, although students may join any time.​

Image by Eric Mok

Music Ministry

Membership is open to musicians (vocalists and instrumentalists) of all ages starting in junior high. Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m, September through Pentecost. During the off season, the members are invited to assist at Masses as they are able.


Cantors lead the assembly in the singing of Psalms and other music during Mass. In the absence of a choir, they lead the congregation in the hymns.



Meet with the family of the deceased to plan the funeral liturgy. The bereavement minister will help the family select hymns and Scripture readings for the Mass and help determine if any family members or friends will serve in the liturgy (i.e. Lector or Eucharistic Minister). Bereavement ministers must be available on weekdays during the day. 



Sacristans are in charge of vestments and sacred vessels, and they carefully arrange items required for various liturgies (i.e. weekend and weekday Masses, funerals, weddings, and school Masses, if available). Sacristans also ensure items needed for Mass are in supply, such as altar cloths, bread and wine, candles, and incense. They also properly purify dishes used during Mass, according to Church instructions. New sacristans may shadow those who are experienced as a part of their training. 

© 2024 Holy Angels Dayton


1322 Brown St. | Dayton, OH 45409

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